Each community we help has a different challenge – some are in dire need of clean water and others need renewable food sources. No matter the type or size, we work with partners to be sure that every project is driven by local leaders and utilizes local tools, talent and resources. In the end, it's not our project, it's their project. And because one size doesn’t fit all, our project-based, collaborative approach allows us to not only create unique, sustainable food and water sources for children, but it ensures that 100 percent of our proceeds are truly put to the best use – impacting these communities for years and generations to come.


Year over year, we work with community leaders to determine the most critical and sustainable projects - be it food or water related. 

As FMFM continues deepening and widening this work within an area, children can fill their bellies and nourish their minds in school with the aim to eventually, break the cycle of poverty.

Current Projects

Completed Projects