The United Nations (UN)

Created the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, following the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These seventeen goals were developed to improve the lives of people and the planet by 2030. Both the MDGs and the SDGs reflect current global challenges and outline potential solutions to solving these problems. In this lesson, students will think critically about each of the goals and assess how these goals are related to one another, as well as evaluate if these are achievable goals for 2030.

Check out the video above to introduce the topic for the day!


  1. A white board, black board or flip chart paper

  2. A powerpoint projector that can display video with sound

  3. Introduction to Sustainable Development Powerpoint

  4. Student Handouts: (Printed version or digital version on computers)

  5. Activity Cards: (Printed version or digital version on computers)

  6. SDG Foldable Cards (Goals and Targets)

Learning Goals:

Students are able to compare and contrast the Sustainable Development Goals with the Millennium Development Goals

  1. Students are able to identify relationships between the SDGs.

  2. Students able able to evaluate and assess progress/ achievability of the SDGs

  3. Students are able to formulate arguments in support of the different SDGs

Ready to Dive Deeper into Global Goals?

United Nations Headquarters. Geneva, Switzerland.

Guiding Questions:

  1. What are the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’? What is the role of the UN?

  2. How do the Sustainable Development Goals differ from the Millennium Development Goals?

  3. Are the Sustainable Development Goals realistic/achievable?

Intended to activate prior knowledge, this Minds On activity will allow students to share what they already know about Sustainability and Development while introducing the Sustainable Development Goals and their author, the United Nations.

First. Brainstorm and Define (5 mins) :

Define the following terms while watching the above video, 'We The People’ for
The Global Goals:

  • Development

  • Sustainability

  • The United Nations

Note: This brainstorm can be done individually or in small groups. Before students begin, provide some examples for each to begin the brainstorming process together.

Ex: Development might make you think about things improving or new housing being built in an underserved community. Sustainability might make you think about things being ‘green’ or ‘zero-waste’.

Second. Discussion Questions (5 mins)

  • Have you heard about the Sustainable Development Goals before?

  • What do you already know?

  • Do you think these goals sound achievable? Why/ Why not?

    Hand-out: MDGs vs. SDGs Worksheet (5 -10 mins)

Teacher’s Note: Below we have prepared a discussion guide packet to dive deeper into each of the 17 SDGs. Each SDG is broken down to main points, helpful resources, and discussion points for the class.

This activity would be great for small group work, a take home assignment, or choose one or two to go over in class together.